
Yoga Shiksha Shibir at Kashmir

Medium : Hindi Date : 21 to 30 June, 2019 Place : Vivekananda Kendra, Ramakrishana Mahasammelan Ashram, Nagdandi, Achabal, Anantnag, Kashmir- 192201 ( J&K) Camp Contribution : Rs.4,000/- [Camp Donations are non-refundable.]    Any Physically and Mentally fit person in the age group of 18-60 years. The participant should be able to perform various Yogasanas and exercises.  And partake enthusiastically in Camp Schedule :  morning 5am to night 10pm . The Camp is fully residential. Simple dormitory accommodation is provided separately for Ladies and Gents. We provide simple vegetarian food. Participants should report at Shibir office one day before the camp starts i.e. 20th June 2019 latest by 6pm and can leave only next morning of  the concluding day i.e. 1st July 2019.   Late reporting and/or leaving before the camp concludes are strictly not allowed. For more details  contact  : Webmaster Vivekananda Kendra : 94180-15995, Em...

Yoga Shiksha Shibir 2016 at Kashmir

All India Yoga Shiksha Shivir (Medium- Hindi) was held at Sri Ramkrishna Mahasamelan Ashram Nagadandi under the Aegis of Vivekananda Kendra from 20  to 29 June 2016. Nineteen  participants from Six different states viz, Andhra/, Telangana, Gujarat, Madhyapradesh, Maharastra, Rajasthan & Tamilnadu   reported on 19th and same day the Shivir started with the Introductory session, wherein the participants were given the guidlines of the Shivir. On 20th morning, Shivir  was started with inaugural lecture on “Concept of Yoga” by Mananeeya Rekhadidi, the all India Joint General Secrestary of Vivekananda Kendra.The 19 participants were organized into four different Ganas (groups) – Agastya, Kashyap, Lopamudra and Gargi – Name of the Rushies. The 10 days Shivir had daily routine from 0430 to 2200 hrs Pratahsmaran & Gita-Pathan, Yogabhyas & Pranayam (moring & evening), Shram-Samskar, two Lecture sessions, Manthan, Geet-Abhyas, Pranayama and Aumka...

Yoga Shiksha Shibir 2015 at Kashmir

All India Yoga Shiksha Shivir (Medium- Hindi) was held at Sri Ramkrishna Mahasamelan Ashram Nagadandi under the Aegis of Vivekananda Kendra from 12  to 21 June 2015. Twenty - Nine  participants from Six different states viz, Andhra & Telangana (17) Delhi (3), Maharashtra (3), MP (1), Panjab (2), Rajasthan (1) Uttarakhanda (2) reported on 11th and same day the participants  attended the Introductory session, wherein the participants were given the guidlines of the Shivir. On 12th morning, Shivir  was started with inaugural lecture on “Concept of Yoga” by Mananeeya M.Hanumanthraoji, the all India Treurer of Vivekananda Kendra.The 29 participants were organized into three different Ganas (groups) –,  Chandra Bhaga, Vitasta, Bhrungi – Name of the rivers of Kashmir. The 10 day Shivir had Pratahsmaran & Gita-Pathan, Yogabhyas & Pranayam (moring & evening), Shram-Samskar, two Lecture sessions, Manthan, Geet-Abhyas, for 3 days in the eveing Pranayama...

Kashmiri Pandit Youth Sammelan at Kashmir

The  first “Kashmiri Pandit Youth Sammelan” was organized by Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari - Shree Rama Krishan Mahasammelan  Ashram (SRMA), Nagdandi Anantnag, Kashmir.  The impressive largely attended meet of devotees particularly  hundreds  of Community Youth   working  in Valley  from Sheikhpora Budgam, Srinagar, Pulwama ,Monghama, Tumlahal, Drassu, Muran, Tahab , Ladeb, Koil, Hall, Shopian , Kulgam, Devsar, Aidgen, Vessu, Dialagam, Mattan, Saller , Wulrama, Akura, Laisar, Mahand , Khirhama, Charigam, Logripora, Lajura, Seer, Hutmurah , Anantnag , Uttrsoo,Nowgam, Pinglana ,Chandrigam, Bomzoi, Choudharigund  and other  areas was  warmly  addressed  by Mr. B.L.Bhat Chairman Administrative Committee, “SRMA”, Nagdandi.  The Ashram  he  explained was  founded  by Swami Ashokanand Ji Maharaj  during 1937 to Preserve , Promote and Propagate “Sanatan Dharma”, the  basics...