Yoga Shiksha Shibir 2014 at Kashmir
Vivekananda Kendra is propagating the message of Swami Vivekananda and Indian Culture since 1977 through its Yoga Shibirs in Vivekananda Kendra Nagdandi (Sri Ramakrishna Mahasamelan)- Kashmir. During Militancy period in Kashmir it discontinued (1990-2011).and Since last 3 years it was again started. This year Yoga Shiksha Shibir (Hindi) of 10 days duration of All India Level from 21-30 May 2014 was organized in Vivekananda Kendra Nagdandi (Sri Ramakrishna Mahasamelan)- Kashmir. Total 13 participants (4 sisters & 9 Brothers) from Andhra Pradesh, Himachal, J&K, Odisha, Harayana, Uttar Pradesh participated very enthusiastically. They followed the Yoga Way of Life as taught by Swami Vivekananda. The Participants ware distributed in Two groups, name of rivers : Vitasha (Jelam) and Chandrabhaga(Chinab). The Camp day started with Pratahsmaran at 6:00, followed by Gita Pathan, Yoga Abhyas, Breakfast, Shram Samskar, Lecture-1, Manthan, Lunch, Geet Abhyas, Tea, Lecture-2, Yoga Abhyas...